Friday, 6 December 2019

Update of expenditure รายจ่าย

Greetings! Bringing you updates on the expenditure as of the previous report :)

Expenditure from 29/9 - 6/12
Batteries, scotch tape, and whiteboard markers - 130 baht
DAISO small whiteboards, IQ board game, laminator sheet, dice, and ruler - 279baht
Kids October school break teaching expenses/rewards - 43 baht
Strepsils for kids who had sore throat - 143 baht
Laminator - 1180 baht
Birthday Project (Kids born in Nov & Dec) - 4,835 baht

If you would like to make a monetary contribution to @Smilesofchiangmai or directly to Care Corner Orphanage Foundation, do drop me a text or reach me at

Here are some pictures from the October school holiday lessons. I was in-charge of teaching higher Math to our older kids, and two English lessons for the younger kids. I'm glad it turned out well! I incorporated brain teasers into the lessons to stretch their brains. They liked the brain teasers as much as I did! Learning made fun

I also had some engagement and counselling sessions with some of our kids during this school holiday. It's important to be intentional and purposeful in doing this work with our kids. The little things would go a long way.

Did a special project with our kids. A little something's coming up. Stay tuned to our Instagram! #WelcomeToThaiWithCareCorner #LearnThaiWithCareCorner More updates are up on our Instagram!

#BirthdayProject is on-going! We went for a nice warm pizza lunch followed by an icy fun experience at ChiangMai Ice Carving Show. We even played hide-and-seek inside the arena. Lots of fun together. Quality time spent with a small group indeed! Thank you to all for your generous contribution that made this #BirthdayProject possible! Special thanks to Sheila for sponsoring part of this outing too

Click here to read Bella's 2nd newsletter! 

Check out our Instagram for more updates:
