Sunday 10 February 2019

Pray อธิษฐาน

There was one night where two of our boys came with us to get something. I can't recall - maybe it was to get the yogurt for everyone or maybe they came to get paint for their art work. We were just chatting as usual... then we realised that most of us haven't been in our best condition lately. Elysia was a little unwell, Bpor had a sore throat, Chi was still recovering from a sore throat, and my voice had not returned entirely.

In short, we decided to pray for one another right there and then (Thanks Pi Hannah for capturing this beautiful moment haha). My heart was filled with gladness at how active and willing our two boys were to pray! They've come a long way. When Bpor first came, he didn't know how to pray and he looked so lost and shy about it. For Chi, he has always been the soft-spoken one. Impressed to see how much they've grown. Keep going at it, boys!

Till the next time,