Monday 11 February 2019

A letter to self เขียนจดหมายให้ตัวเอง

December is often a time where many reflect on the past year and look forward to the coming year. I thought of doing a "letter-to-self" activity with our kids where they'll write a letter to themselves and we'll keep it till next year Christmas to open it. First, the kids penned down their thoughts according to the question prompters. Then, they decorated their letters. Lastly, everyone took turns to share a part of their letter.

Conducted the activity in 3 sessions - with the older girls, older boys, and the younger kids - pri sch & kindergarten kids. The question prompters were catered according to their levels. I was nervous about conducting this activity because I felt inadequate in some ways, especially in speaking Thai. Thank God for giving me the creativity and the Thai language that I needed for this :)

The question prompters for the older kids were: What has made me happy in this year? What do I wanna thank God for in this year? What have I done well this year? What do I want to do better/improve in the coming year?

Just as I expected, our kids struggled with the question on "What have I done well this year". It is easy to pick out what we have not done well, but it is hard to single out what we have done well. I see that it is important and very powerful for our kids to affirm and encourage themselves. Maree and Marisa said that they couldn't think of anything. So I said "pray and ask God to show you." They immediately closed their eyes and prayed. Sooo cute 

Our big boys listened to instructions really well, and were quiet when doing their reflection writing. I was so impressed with how cooperative and serious they were. I took Chi and Yeam aside to process the questions with them and pen it down in writing. When Ang was done with the letter, he came over to inform me and then volunteered to help Yeam in his writing. That was very helpful and proactive of him! 


The older kids paired up with the younger ones to help them in this activity. It was a warm sight to see everyone play a part in this activity, including Chi and Yeam - they were my little assistants. Haha! They gave out the materials, named every envelope, and collated the letters. 

Everyone has something to offer, just as who we are and with what we have. We can all do something. With this, we will open up the letters one year later. Our staff did this activity too - during our staff lunch treat. :) 

For more updates, check our Instagram! @Smilesofchiangmai

I'm still raising support for my long-term stay and work in Care Corner Orphanage. If you would like to be a part of my support, please do contact me :) I hope to hear from you! Read more: Support Bella in CCOF full-time 
