Tuesday 12 February 2019

Some questions & answers คำถามและคำตอบ

Hey all. I thought it'll be good to share some thoughts with you. It's not exhaustive, but I do hope the brief sharing gives you some idea.

What will you be doing at CCOF this June onwards? 

My main role will be as a Social Worker. This means that I will look into the well-being, needs, issues, problems and challenges faced by our children and staff by providing counselling, case work, group work etc. I'll be working closely with the team of staff and relevant people. I'll also be involved in the day-to-day running of the Orphanage, meeting the ground needs, and be among the children. I'll be involved in engaging volunteers, as well as managing the social media. In short, I hope to be a support and added strength to CCOF in all ways that I can and with all that I have.

Is going full-time in CCOF something you've always wanted to do since a long time ago? 

Nope. Haha! Even though the time spent at CCOF sparked a realisation in me - what skillset I want, I have never thought of joining CCOF full-time. I actually planned to focus on doing Social Work in Singapore upon completing my studies. There are so many needs to be met in Singapore. Plus, I have the ease of language here, I grew up here, and I know the way of life here more than I know of ChiangMai.

But with each returning trip back to CCOF, God brought me through lots of learning, sharpening, stretching of my heart for what matters to God, and more... so much that some time after, I began to wonder why is the desire to do something for the ones at CCOF growing bigger? What's going on? Why do I get so "fired up" and energised when it comes to anything related to CCOF? From there, I sought God over a long time. I asked for clarity and wisdom. It's not that I have every single thing figured out. I don't think I'll ever be able to understand everything that God is doing. But it did get clearer. I believe God prepares, provides, empowers and guides me to do this work. That's roughly how this came about

Is going full-time at CCOF an easy decision for you? 

It's a yes and no. Yes, it's been easy, because our kids are so lovable and I have known some of them for quite some time. They're like family to me. I like working with the staff. I like how I can use creativity when working with the kids. However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There have been many ups and downs. But through it all, I want to continue to grow with everyone. No, it hasn't been easy, because there were so many things to consider and costs to count. By costs, I don't just mean financially. There were several things I had to give up, changes and sacrifices made. Some of it caused my heart to feel heavy, while some of it caused me to feel anxious and worried. Despite all the sacrifices and costs, I find myself saying yes to God over and over. I also sense the peace and joy through it all.

I'm thankful that I have my parents' support now. I gotta say that my mum is the coolest. One day as I was pouring out some of my thoughts to her, she said to me "If you know that this is what God wants you to do, then you go. I support you." Wow. Truthfully, looking at the challenges ahead, it scares me. One of it is to grasp the Thai language well enough to be effective in my work. Still a long way to go man. Stepping into the unknown is scary but I choose to fix my eyes on God, and trust in Him. I don't have much, and I'm not the best or the smartest, but because God is my Shepherd, as His little sheep, I lack nothing. God is a pro at working through weak people like me. Haha It's true

Why don't you work in Singapore for one year before going full-time at CCOF? By doing so, you will have enough funds to support yourself. Isn't it? 

Yes, that's right. But at the same time, working in Singapore for a year means that I won't be meeting our kids for that long. One thing about social work is that the change and helping process take place in a trusted setting and relationship. I think that being away for that long would affect the relationship that I already have with our current kids. We've come this far, I would want to continue building the relationships.

In addition, I don't think it's right for me to work in a Social service agency in Singapore if I cannot fully commit to the team and the clients whom we serve, because eventually I'll be leaving for ChiangMai. It's as though I'm taking up the job as a temporary arrangement because I needed the money. I would be short-changing the clients as I can't commit to walk them through their challenges. It's a disservice to the agency and the clients. As much as I want to support myself, I think that it is better to join CCOF full-time as soon as I complete my studies.

That's briefly it. I'll probably share more along the way. Thanks for taking the time to read. :)

Click here to read CCOF's latest Newsletter featuring Elysia and I!
Feel free to reach me through whatsapp or smilesofchiangmai@gmail.com if you are interested to support me in CCOF full-time, or if you have questions. You could make a one-time support or a monthly support. I hope to hear from you!
