Wednesday 6 February 2019

Joining CCOF full-time this coming June 2019

Hey all!
I'm excited to share that I'll be joining CCOF full-time this coming June onwards! I came to this decision after praying and asking God, along with lots and lots of thinking and counting the cost. It's not a thoughtless or rash decision made. I also know that the road ahead is not going to be easy but I believe this is where God is leading me to. Where He leads, is where I want to be. Currently, I'm hoping to join CCOF full-time for at least 1 year.

I've thought and prayed through many things, some of the same things over and over... wrestled with many questions, uncertainties, expectations and doubts. It's as though God had (still is) brought me through a long process to train, refine and prepare me for this. So much went on before it became clearer to me that joining Care Corner full-time is gonna be my next step. I'll share more in time to come

Hope that I'll be able to raise S$1000 of support each month to cover all my basic needs and expenses so that I can do the works there. The other time we roughly did the math... I'll need to look for 20 people who are willing to support me S$50 monthly. :)

Click here to read more: Support Bella in full-time at CCOF
There's a 'Support' button too. You could channel your support to me via the portal or contact me directly! You could make a one-time support or a monthly-support. I hope to hear from you!
