Sunday 3 February 2019

Our all-time favourite Mookata! เราชอบกินหมูกระทะ

We absolutely had a great time grilling meat and seafood at Mookata on Thai Children's Day! Our kids are worth the celebration! Thank you once more for your generous contribution. Everyone enjoyed the snacks, free flow drinks and ice-cream too. Yummy in our tummies  

While having Mookata, Nong Gong revealed that he has never tasted seaweed before. So, I told him that today will be the day! After trying the seaweed, he liked the taste of it! This reminded me of another time when Nong Yeam said that he has never tried grilling the mushroom because he usually boils it in the soup. I then told him that grilling the mushroom is one of the best ever. So he tried it and was surprised that it tasted so good.

I really like it... that we could do life together like this - as simple as trying different food and ways of doing things. Let's continue to grow together

Youtube CCOF Year End 
Youtube CCOF New Year
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With joy,