Dear all, it's been so long since the last update! Hope you've been well. Do hop over to our Instagram for the latest updates and stories!
For official updates: @Carecornerorphanage
For official updates: @Carecornerorphanage
Recently, I completed my work permit and visa renewal successfully! Thank God for the favour - the officials gave me 2 years of work permit instead of the 1 year I requested for. I've also booked my motorbike license test for July. Please pray for me that I will keep calm and do well for the theory and practical test.
Expenditure 17/1/22 - 28/6/22
5 Penknives - 20 baht
Cough syrup, packs lozenges, flu tablets, paracetamol, vit c, headache relief patch for kids - 797 baht
3 molten Volleyballs - 1,751 baht
#BirthdayProject celebration for group 4 - 7,658 baht
Batteries - 80 baht
Deodorant for kids - 810 baht
Asepso soap - 392 baht
Scotchtape and masking tapes - 50 baht
Nail clippers - 80 baht
Superglue - 40 baht
Medicine for allergy (Rin) - 80 baht
Plasters for kids - 90 baht
Thread, strings, lighters - 100 baht
Neck strap for masks - 75 baht
Ice cubes - 40 baht
Candles, needles, plastic bags for school event - 95 baht
Calamine lotion, cream for rashes, ulcer medicine - 173 baht
With all of my heart, thank you to all who have been praying and supporting me and all of us here in Care Corner Orphanage. Your support makes a difference. With Thailand (and the rest of the world) opening up, we look forward to meeting and hosting visitors and volunteers in our children's home. Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to explore volunteer opportunities or give in support of our works.
To read Bella's newsletter update no.9, click here: Bella's Newsletter no.9
With hope and joy,