Mookata at our very own compound. |
Greetings from Chiangmai! Here again to report on the expenditure since the previous time. Thank you for your generous giving which allowed me to use it for many purposes. I might say thank-you very often but I think I might never stop saying that because I'm just so thankful for the generous contribution that you have made to @SmilesofChiangMai's previous fund raising which took place last year. Again for the new year, a fund raising will be coming up. More details soon. Stay tuned!
Nong Chi fried an egg for me. Tummy filled, heart full. |
Cajon - 3,000
Engagement tools - 340 baht
Thai language - 1,000 baht
Nail clippers - 120 baht
4 squeaky hammer - 116 baht
3 Sharpie markers - 144 baht
Keyboard stickers - 49 baht
#BirthdayProject (Jan, Feb, Mar birthdays) - 4,432 baht
Super glue - 26 baht
Games prizes - 99 baht
Electric fan - 468 baht
Basic video camera - 4,258 baht
Some of the purposes and details of the expenditure stated above are also shared through @Smilesofchiangmai Instagram posts. Do check our Instagram and follow us! After much thinking, I decided to invest in a very basic handheld video camera for work purposes - it'll be used for capturing life and events here. I hope that the quality turns out alright despite the low price. For the squeaky hammer, I got those for games and activities purposes. I've also used 1,000 baht (est S$40) to subsidise my Thai learning as per informed during last year's fund raising. I can finally read Thai! Continual practice needed. Haha!
A good news to share - I've successfully raised enough monthly support to sustain myself for another year of working here at CCOF. Praise God! And a big thank-you to my sponsors!
Feel free to reach me through WhatsApp or if you are interested to find out more or make a donation, support, or volunteer with us.
Take care everyone,