Monday 17 June 2019

Expenditure before trip ค่าใช้จ่ายที่เกิดขึ้น

Hi all! Below is an update of the expenditure before this coming trip. I'll be heading over to CCOF to start work this week. Elysia will be coming 2 weeks later after her job attachment in Vietnam. Looking forward!

Logistics from Daiso (scotch tape, tools for engaging kids, logistics for activities) - S$14
Stamps for postage of pouches during Fund Raising - S$1.80
Photo papers for portable printer - S$15
Cookie sticker for Fund Raising - S$19.09
2 pairs of scissors - S$3

Total expenditure before trip: S$52.89

More updates along the way. Stay tuned!
Follow us on our Instagram too @Smilesofchiangmai 

With thanks,