Monday 6 August 2018

Fighting fishes เลี้ยงปลากัด

About five of our boys have found themselves a new hobby - raising fighting fishes. Our boys are very dedicated and responsible in caring for their fishes, ensuring that the water is clean, enough fish food, and using leaves as herbs if their fishes have gotten injured from the fighting matches.

Elysia and I decided to get fighting fishes from Gad Wua - Saturday morning market, with our little experts' help in choosing the good fighting fishes. Wanna connect with our boys at the deepest levels possible. So if raising fighting fishes could draw us into a deeper friendship, understanding and rapport with the boys, count me in!

Now that I'm back in SG, I'm sure our little experts are doing a great job in raising my fighting fishes till I'm back again very soon. I heard that they managed to breed my fighting fishes. Haha! So cute! I really miss hanging out at the back of the boys' dorm, talking about the fishes and everything else under the sun.

More at @Smilesofchiangmai Instagram!

With joy,