Thursday 23 August 2018


"Someone once said that the graveyard is the richest place on earth,
because it is here that you find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled,
the books that were never written,
the songs that were never sung,
the inventions that were never shared,
the cures that were never discovered..."

Dreams that were never pursued and taken to the grave. Have we buried a dream because we were afraid of failures? Is it the risks, uncertainties, or the heavy cost to pay that stopped us? Is it the opinions and words of others? Is it because your dream appears unconventional? Is it the many distractions of life? It could be anything and many things, but deep inside we know that there is more to this life, and more than just living for ourselves.

Have we once paused, stop looking at ourselves, but look to God our creator? Have we asked God to reveal to us our purpose here on earth and what would He like us to do with this life that He has given? I once came across an analogy that goes along the lines of: the creator knows the purpose of his creation best. I find it true. Let's take an umbrella for an example. Assuming that the purpose of the umbrella has not been made known to us yet... One fine day we see an umbrella. What then is the purpose of an umbrella? Who do we think know clearly the purpose of the umbrella? The creator or the created? Who would we ask? We would ask the creator right? Would we ask the umbrella? And would the umbrella know its purposes without its creator first making its purposes known? The potential and purposes of the umbrella will not be fully utilised if we do not first ask the creator and inventor how do we go about using the umbrella.

How sad it would be if we go on living according to our feelings and the way we want to, and then one day we leave this world without fulfilling our purposes that God has for us and the mission that He has called us to.

God has created each of us with a special destiny, and He doesn't throw us here to go figure out life on our own. Instead, he faithfully leads us and lights up our paths. We may not see the whole way but we trust and move forward in faith. "Where God guides, He provides." This means God will give us the courage to conquer, strength to go on even on days we feel like we can't anymore, and everything else we need- materials and non-materials. Most importantly, God's presence goes with us, just like He promised Moses that He will go with Moses.

I'm also reminded that it is not all about us, but it is about God. I've asked God, "God, who am I? Can I really do great things? I mean like I'm not that smart, I overthink often, I'm weaker than I thought, I don't have much talents, I feel like I don't have much to offer. You sure that You want me to do this? What if I fail? You think I'm up to this? Is this for real? Me?"

In the bible, Moses was in a similar situation too. The question is not who Moses is, it is rather, who is with Moses? From this I felt like my questions were answered. What's important is not who I am or what I think I can do, but it is about God who promises to go with us as we follow His leading
