Thursday 8 February 2018

The journey mattered as much as the destination

One morning, Amanda, Emma, Elysia and I hopped onto our bicycles and off we went to find our kids at their campsite. We had very little info and direction to their campsite. We stopped by many houses and shops to ask for directions. Everyone we met was so helpful and friendly. It really warmed my heart when some of the folks went the extra mile for us.

We asked an uncle at his shop for directions but he didn't know where exactly the campsite was. So he came out of his shop and went to to ask the next few shops for us. That was really nice of him. Another lady whom I asked outside her eatery gave me some rough directions but it sounded quite far and complicated because it required us to take the small roads. Thanked her and tried to figure our way there. Out of the blue, someone on a motorbike honked at us and when looked to our right, we realized it was the lady whom we asked earlier on. What a surprise! We then followed her motorbike where she led us to the correct road and told us to go further in.

After asking many people, we eventually made it and found their campsite. Hooray! We quietly observed our kids at camp and made our way back home thereafter. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey and the spontaneity. Not forgetting how the pedals of my bike flew off many times. Haha

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To more journeys like this,