Wednesday 13 September 2017

Silence, yet not silent

Here's a doodle of little Chi in his school uniform. Haha
Got inspired by an animation drawing I saw on Instagram. Using that as a point of reference, I added my own strokes and details into this doodle. A few days ago, I happened to share a snippet of our time at CCO with a friend and I thought it'll be nice to document it here as well.

On one of the homework nights, little Chi was quite grumpy (probably because he was a little unwell). He disrupted our English hangman game a few times. Marisa then raised her voice at Chi and he walked off in a huff. I went to look for him and found him at the swing alone. Usually I would try to process or reason with him using all the Thai that I know, but somehow this time I stood there by the swing without saying a word. Silence speaks volumes? Haha

In the quietness, a totally random idea popped up in my head: speak blessings into his life. To be honest, I was a little upset with him as well because he disrupted our English hangman game and showed a bad attitude. To speak blessings into his life at that moment was something I wouldn't have thought of. I believe it was a prompting from God. So right there, I started praying by faith unto little Chi's life. It wasn't just about speaking positive attributes aimed at behaviour modification. It was way more than that

In my head, I said something like "God let Your love fill Chi's heart right now, he is Your beloved child, let every hurt and anger... ..." After what felt like about ten minutes, Chi got up from the swing and headed to his room while I remained standing at where I was. He came out a few seconds later and appeared to be heading towards me. As he got nearer, he smiled, and said "Pi Bella... Pi Bella..." as though suggesting that he knew he was in the wrong and didn't want to remain grumpy anymore. This was also the first time I've seen little Chi revert to his usual self that quickly.

I believe that as the words of blessings were released into little Chi's life, something was changing in him... Something was changing in the atmosphere. No, it was neither about me nor the choice of words used. It was about who I placed my faith in as I released those words - my faith was in God; He hears, and He is ever-present. As we pray, God moves.

With joy,