Friday 14 July 2017

My chains are gone, I've been set free

Conducted a structured experience and a sharing with the children at the Chapel last night. We shared short personal stories in which they could relate to as well. In the above pics, you could see Suchart tied up with labels hanging on him. Little Suchart volunteered himself to be the "slave". So cute! We also tied up the hands of all the children, in which we cut off the strings and freed them thereafter of course. Haha! 

We shared on breaking free from being slaves to fear, hatred, anger and more. Many of them fear the dark and ghost, while a few carried heavy loads of anger and hatred in their hearts. 

Also, we gave the kids a scenario to help them better understand, in summary it goes like this: Imagine if someone is selling you away. Crowds of people auctioning for you. Out of the blue, someone bid a price so high that no one could beat. However, he wasn't purchasing you to use you and exploit you as a slave but to set you free. That's what Jesus did for you. (story adapted from an article online)

Our chains are broken, we've been set free! Let's live 

Living free, 