Tuesday 20 June 2017

I'm here!

I'm here at CCO! Wow...
It was indeed a beautiful reunion with CCO Family. Going down the familiar road, hearing the children, giving hugs, playing basketball together, teasing and joking with them and more. Got to know the new children at CCO too

Joined the team of Boys Brigade from Singapore for a Mookata Buffet with the kids! Malisa made 2 ice-cream, one was for me and the other one for herself. We sat at different tables yet she walked all the way to where I was and handed me the coconut ice-cream on a cone, with a smile. I appreciate this so much

There was this moment where I asked Chi who is his best friend. I thought he would probably say someone from his school or from CCO. But instead, he said he had no best friend. I asked him a few more times. And then out of the blue, he answered "Phra Yesu" which is Jesus. I froze upon hearing that. After a while, I asked him again. Chi's answer was still Phra Yesu. Wow... How true... Jesus is indeed the bestest friend any one could have. Jesus understands and knows us best. Jesus loves us. Jesus loves you

The few months of dedicating 5-10 mins to learn some Thai per day bore fruits today as I speak to the children with all the Thai words that I could recall. It feels really good to be able to express myself. Please pray for Elysia and I as we continue learning Thai! I want to speak more and better!

With joy,