Hey there! Thought it'll be good to update this space more often. So, here I am
The word "grace" has been floating in my mind lately. For the tasks that God has called us to, His grace will meet us here, and see us through. Where He guides, He provides. This is true. From my experience, this is really true. God never fails to provide all that I need to do the things that He wants me to do. The giants that are before me will be conquered because by my side is a real mighty God. For as many times as anxieties strike, for as many times I feel lacking, for that many times God will give me the strength to conquer. His grace is sufficient and will see me through. This I believe and speak over myself today.
In this coming week, I'll be doing bible teaching with the children on Tues night, and I've got an interview for my Visa on Fri morning. These make me anxious for reasons. No matter how many times I do the chapel sharing, I would still feel very nervous and anxious. However, each time as I surrender, God takes my anxieties and turns it into something good. So, again and again, I will surrender and trust God.
"My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness..." - 2Corinthians12:9.
"Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done" - C.S. Lewis