Tuesday 24 July 2018

How wonderful, how beautiful เชื่อในพระเจ้า

"Sometimes the miracle isn't in your prayer being answered but in your faith being grown as you wait." - Jackie Hill Perry

One of the biggest blessings this time, was to catch another glimpse of the beauty and wonders of God's love. How precious it is to have God in my life, whose love never changes, whose love is steadfast and true. I could search forever and find that there is no one like Him

I experienced a deep sense of heartache, confusion, disappointment and rejection over the first few days when I first arrived because something strange happened. It felt like I lost someone very dear to me. My world was as though flipped upside down, with nothing going the way I thought it would. What's going on? Where's the breakthrough that I have been praying and believing for?

Helpless and lost, I called out to God and committed the situation into His hands over and over. On the fifth day, some of the older kids said some stuff that really encouraged and brought joy to my heart. And on the eighth day, a miracle happened. Things started picking up from there. As I choose to surrender and trust in God, He answers prayers according to His good timing and will.

I'm glad the heartache happened.

Learnt and grown so much from it. I remembered saying to God to use the brokeness for good, for a greater purpose, and cause me to grow. Looking back now, I believe God allowed the breaking of my heart so that my heart could be stretched bigger... so that He could fill me, and so that I would have a bigger heart for all the children at Care Corner Orphanage.

He knows what I needed.

How beautiful it is that God never changes. His character remains. His love endures forever. People change their minds so often, change their hearts whenever, but God is that faithful friend who is always there. He walks us through the good, the bad, and everything else.

If God is all that I have, then I have all needed. Thank You for working in my heart 
