Wednesday 16 August 2017

Finish Strong

A few minutes ago, a message popped up on my phone and I was so surprised to see that it was from Nong Chi! Ahhh, I miss him so much! I'm guessing that he finished his tasks during computer lessons in school so he was able to squeeze in some time to say hi on Facebook.

When we were still at Care Corner, something heartening took place during one of the cell group nights we had with the kids.

During one of cell group nights, one of the staff - Pi Boy, suggested a mini Math competition where the fastest team to answer correctly wins. As soon as we started, my team was down by 2 points. Along the way, some from my team were disheartened and started saying things like "Pi Bella you should do the counting. You are better than me. We are losing. I am slow. I am not smart etc..." Some even stopped calculating once the other team gave the right answer. I told them that it's okay if we don't win but we should finish calculating the sum. Winning is important, but being a finisher is more important.

Pi Boy joked "Pi Bella's team is losing! What is happening! Pi Bella is not that good at Math huh!"😂 Hahaha! I replied "It's okay! I'm still happy! We will finish it. No problems!" Continued to encourage my team that it's okay that we're losing, but don't give up, we must finish the sums!

Somewhere, and somehow, they caught the heartbeat of being strong finishers! They persevered to finish the calculations even after the other team has given the correct answers. Some of them, like Nong New, even echoed after me telling the rest "It's okay, this is just a game. Finish doing the sum."

It was such a delight to see the kids catch the essence of being strong finishers!

With joy,