Friday 7 July 2017

A sharing with the children last night

Bella: Thank God our sharing last night went really well! Thanks for praying for us and the children! We used analogies of an entry fee to Grand Canyon, and a luggage, to share with the children that they could come to God wherever they are, whenever, and tell Him everything and anything. We ended off the sharing by allowing them to apply what they've seen and heard. Gave the children some time to talk to God, and then lift up every concern into His hands. Not that all their problems will be solved at once, but that God will walk them through.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Elysia: We are so thankful that the kids were all pretty attentive and participative during our sharing... it was such an adorable sight to witness their honest responses to our questions. The sight of the kids gathering before Bella, Jacinth and I, sitting still and giving us their best attention reminded me of the scenes where the crowds would gather before Jesus to hear the word of God. I pray that these children will continue to desire to hear from God in anticipation just as they were last night. Continue to keep us in prayers, may our hearts be softened, may we grow in strength, wisdom and boldness as we work in partnership with the Holy Spirit in all that we are and going to do in Care Corner.