Greetings! 😎
I'm so excited... counting down to 27 days! Above is a poster sharing what we're raising funds for. We need your generous contribution in order to carry out the activities, as well as impromptu activities that might take place when we're there at Care Corner (CCOF).
Our main focus is to meet the needs of CCOF and see to its sustainability as far as possible. 👍 We make plans but remain flexible to make changes to meet the needs and situations there. What we can offer is little, but I pray that God will multiply and make everything fruitful. Would like to thank you for your contribution in advance! Do contact any of us via Whatsapp or e-mail if you would like to make a contribution. Every cent goes a long way.
We'll be wise in our spending, using recyclable materials and items that we or ccof have as far as possible. I'll be accounting to you on our funds raised, spending and remaining donations so do keep checking this space for updates!
With thanks,
Bella 😜