Sweet Lena and cutie Somnuk! |
Suchat all ready for the rollercoaster ride! His bright smile! |
Highest |
Jacinth and Sala on the ride! I believe I can fly~ |
Nothing's gonna stop Lena from taking photos hahahha |
Dream World :) |
Me and my mini-me on a giant dustpan. Haha! |
A group pic at "Jack & the Bean Stalk". Sala not in pic because she was busy exploring~
SAWADEEKA! Greetings from Bangkok! Suchat is beside me now as i type this. Haha! We had an amazing time at Bangkok Dream World Amusement Theme park! Good food, good fun, good attractions, good experiences! Thank God for such a great time with each other and with the children. They really enjoyed themselves! :) YAAAAHHHHOOOO
Today's our last day here in Bangkok. Then i'll be heading to Care Corner with Jacinth and the children. Hee hee hee
With love,