Baking cookies together
The children made cookies from scratch. Their eager hands were all ingredients and baking equipment even before we started! They seemed to like squeezing the choco onto the cookie. Their eyes were fixated on the tray of cookies the whole time, patiently waiting for their turns. Somnuk and Kampee went on a chocolate war after the baking session! The other kids too had chocolate all over their hands and faces! Haha! Every batch of the freshly baked cookies were wiped out in a matter of seconds! Woohoo! Glad they liked it! Their focus and enthusiasm drew me deep into thoughts of how learning and living should be.
Tshirt Design-it-yourself
Let da creative juices flow yo! The children gathered at the tables with fabric markers, all ready to unleash and unveil the artistic sides of them! Haha! They were told to draw and write anything they wanted. A personalised t-shirt. Wow some of them can really draw!!! Impressive! I wonder if we'd still see some of their shirts around when we visit them this Aug/Sept! :)
Big thanks to Elysia and Rahayu too - my wonderful pals who were in this together! So thrilled over our upcoming visit to CCOF! This time, we have Meishan joining us too! Yeyyy!~
With love,